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Monday, 14 February 2011

Gypsy shawls!

Just a quick update... I'm currently into gypsy when i went to KL yesterday, adalah sangat geram melihat banyak warna2 yg menarik that i decided to beli satu kodi (sbb harga sekodi lebey kurang sama dgn harga nak beli sume kaler that i wanted), sebab dah beli banyak, i think i better sell some... =)

So, the price of 1 piece of shawl is RM17 (postage included)

However, the price will be cheaper if u self pick-up or by hand..

Do feel free to browse and do SMS me at 0192351327 or email me at in case u r interested!.. Thank you guys!...

GS01 (SOLD!)



 GS05 (SOLD!), GS06, GS07, GS08

 GS09, GS10, GS11

GS12 & GS13

GS14 (Both are the same item, different lighting)