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Wednesday, 16 February 2011

Our 1st Anniversary! =) Part 3 - Dinner at Alai

The first night in Melaka, after asking for Nayot's suggestion, we headed to Alai around 6pm. It was raining (3 days non-stop yang mengakibatkan banjir dekat Johor, melaka n N9 - pandai kan kitorg pilih masa bercuti..huhu) so it was kinda dark and we were quite worried sebab tatau jalan n takut termiss simpang. Used gps tp coz x sure nama tempat tu betul2, so agak risau.. but from readings made before ke Alai, sume kate lebey kurang 3-4 km je b4 umbai, so naseb baik akhirnye jumpa la tempat tu tanpe bersusah payah sgt..huhu

Ada a few gerai/restaurant kat situ. not really sure which to choose, but because we parked in front of this particular restaurant and have read about it from a blog, so kitorang makan dekat Deli Muara Restaurant.

We first ordered our drinks, Dude macam biase bile hujan2 ni, Teh O n i macam biase jugak bile hujan ke tak hujan, Fresh Orange..hoho...but later tambah sirap limau juge..huhu

Then pegi dekat tempat dia letak all the seafoods and pilih la sendiri nak makan ape sambil ngorat2 abg2 (adik2?!?) yg jage tmpat tu utk tanye ape yg ok.. lepas ngorat2 n tanye2, kitorang decide untuk ambik:
  1. Ikan jenahak - boleh masak 2 cara coz ade 2 belah satu amek bakar sambal, another amek bakar berempah ---> saje nak bakar2 for both sides, kukus byk tempat buat...
  2. Kupang - masak halia chinese style --> cam tu la bunyinye lebey kurang...
  3. Sotong - goreng tepung
  4. Nasi lemak kecik 50 sen tu - 6 bungkus (2 bungkus bawak balik makan kat hotel)
  5. otak2 - 10 keping (5 makan situ, 5 lagi bawak balik mkn hotel juge..)
Gambar kiri senyum control tgk ikan sampai; Gambar tengah adalah merajuk sebab dude tak bg makan, kene tggu yg laen sampai; Gambar kanan skali adalah gembire sebab dah leh makan...hoho ;p


So, the verdict:
  1. Overall, MARVELLOUS!...
  2. Jenahak bakar sambal & kupang halia chinese style are highly recommended! Orang jual tu kate, yang bakar berempah special menu diorg, tapi, pendapat saye adelah biase2 je...suke yg bersambal coz maybe sambal dia bley tahan kot..
  3. Sotong goreng tepung biase2 saje macam tempat lain
  4. Otak2 much better than yg dijual kat bandar coz they did it themselves kot but ade penah rase yg lebey ok..still, sedap!
  5. Nasi lemak simple..sgt suke...sambal dia pun ok...
Untuk semua yang di beli, harga adalah lebey kurang rm55... murah daripada Umbai where we ate last year which cost us almost RM70 for almost the same things ( ade la lain sket2..)

Suke jugak sebab pedas wpun x sure makanan yang mane yg pedas sambal dia ke, halia dia ke, sambal kicap sok sek sok sek gak la..hehe

Ok, perut dah berbunyi pk pasal makan ni...haiishh...okai, nk solat zuhur (dah pul 4.05 pm..huhuhu), so later!! =)


    NH said...

    Yeay... aku berjaya jadi tourist guide dlm fon.. hehehehehe

    Nadot said...

    heheh..tu la pasal....tq byk2 ye! =)