Loads of things need to be settled particularly regarding my dissertation which i am in no mood talking (ended up talking about it in the next few sentences) or doing anything about it. Going to the zoo, waiting for the rhino training for hours and ended up with no training was really depressing and frustrating. My data collection which supposed to be done by end of May have to be extended until God-knows-when. 8 more training to go and 3 more weeks before my trip to Paris. Wishing for a miracle from Karen, Sue and Alan (the Rhino keepers and trainers) that they could conduct at least 3 trainings in a week (which they should do according to Rob (my supervisor)).
Loads of places to go before I'm going back home. This Friday, i'm going to Ireland visiting Mira. Next 3 weeks to Paris and to Essex, London, Manchester, Preston and York early of July together with Alang from Russia who is coming to visit me on her summer break. These are the places that we are already confirmed to go. But still there are quite few places that we might consider visiting i.e Hull, Cardiff etc. not sure where to fit them in my schedule.huhu..
Best of luck to myself , wishing and praying that Allah would give me more strength to finish my dissertation in time and with less difficulties. Amiiinn... ;)