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Friday, 13 January 2006

waa!!!...laptop rosak!!

Sedey giler....laptop rosak...kene panah petir...normally i wud shut up off my laptop mase hujan ribut time tuh tak hujan lagi...kire first petir yg dtg tuh, trus attack my laptop...dowh...sedey now i'm in UM dekat lab com fak sains..

baru lps anta laptop gi service kat HP tower...mesti mahal better anta sane kot dari anta kat kedai biase2...kan..kan..kan... (menenangkn diri sendiri)...

sedey sgt...biasenye kat rumah makan laptop, minum laptop, tido laptop...smlm bosan giler...buku sume dah habis bace...terpakse la mengulang2...dah le amik lebey kurang 3 working days diorg nak check dulu...then kalo aku ok dgn harge die baru proceed menyervice laptop tuh...gile lame...maybe dlm next 2 weeks baru dpt balik laptop...

i have to find a new hobby i guess...ataupun panjangkan waktu tido stiap hari...dari 10 jam have to extend sampai 15 jam ke...ok kan??...huhu...

lupe plak...dpt keje sementare as a examination attendant starting next ade briefing le idup tanpe laptop jap kot...huhu...still sedey...

anyway...have a nice day guyss...huhu...