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Thursday 29 October 2009

My one and only October post...huhuhu

Before October ends with no entry, 'd better write one, just for the sake of posting at least one entry per month...huhuhu

This month is not so okay. keje sangaaattt banyaakkk... tapi nasib baik sempat juge berpoye-poye sehari berkaraoke bersama pnut,yah,amal,fura,shidah n zeila yang disayangi..hoho.... tu utk sambut fura yang bakal ditebuk tupai this saturday (ke sunday?) (tak tau la kalau dah ditebuk awal2...hoho)...

weekend baru ni plak, pegi taman negara, wat keje (sikit) n main2 (banyak2), tengok2 kot ade research yang I could conduct over there. It was kind of fun, altho tak sempat nak gi canopy walkaway etc, but the place is nice, peaceful and different (in a good way) from the peacefulness yang kita dapat di pulau. But overall, I prefer island more coz x kene gigit pacat n dpt usha mat saleh or mamat2 lain berbadan 6 pax...hihi..

Tapi pikir2 balik, ok gak hutan coz x la hitam legam kene sun burn n sejuk la gak kalau duduk je dgr bunyi2 binatang etc...haish...I love both la kesimpulannye....huhuhu

So sekarang, as in, NOW, banyak gile keje need to settle by tomorrow. Tapi sebab ade 2-3 keje, so pening nak settle kan mane satu, so I decided to play 'ulat gedik' (computer game - name given by kak mas) je la pasni..hihi...
