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Thursday, 24 March 2011

Rate Personal Loan Bank Rakyat Sek 9 Shah Alam lagi satu entry aku yang bukan pasal personal...tah nape tah sampai angin aku nak berubah angin utk 1-2 entry..hehehe...

Nway, ku hari tu teman kawan utk apply personal we went to few banks la gak nak tengok mana rate yg better... ada pegi BSN, CIMB and Bank Rakyat...and ended up, she took the loan with Bank Rakyat.

So rate bukan ahli (yang takde saham bank rakyat ye maksudnye...bkn takde saving acc), adalah 3.3% utk pembayaran balik dari 1 thn ke 3 thn, 4.3% for the 4th & 5th year, 4.8% for 6th & 7th yr, 4.9% from 8th-15th yr and 5.25% from 16th tp 20th yr. So maksudnye the max you could apply adalah untuk pembayaran balik 20 tahun.

However, sorry to say that the rates above only applied to kakitangan kerajaan and panel swasta.
Untuk rate BSN & CIMB (again, for k/tgn gov), kalau nak tau, i'll pm u. sbb tak manis nak dikongsikn di sini..hehehe

Student nak datang jumpa la, Later! ;)